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Writer's pictureShel Dammann

Draw near to your innocence: Trauma and Feelings Work

I've been working with two of my favorite peer coaches this week, cleaning out some trauma I experience from being a young child who was exposed to pornography at an early age.

Coaching has been the greatest gift in my life, specially because I have been able to heal from the trauma of my past. But what do you do when old wounds resurface? When the lies of the enemy coupled with a lot of shame that whirls around in our heads about our identity from the lens of brokenness occurs?

2 Corinthians 5:17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!

One of the solutions I use when trauma resurfaces is prayer as I know that God is at work in me to change me and help me heal from the wounds of the past.

As a christian when the lies of the enemy take root it is as if I'm transported back in time to all of the memories that feel like a dirty dust cloud of shame and uncleanliness. As a woman in her 50's I can become so distressed with unworthiness and tell myself that I am unloveable and rejected. Who could love someone so broken? You see when the trauma comes up my sinful desires come too. And the best form of medicine is the healing balm I receive when I take the time to do a feelings session and reconnect to who God has created me to be.

Feelings work is a huge part of what I use in my coaching sessions with my clients. It's a big part of my own personal journey to healing.

If you are someone who struggles to feel your emotions you are not alone. I learned to stuff my feelings at a very young age. When I started working with a coach and doing EMDR to heal from the trauma I experienced early in life, I had very few words to identify my feelings. I knew I felt shame but I didn't know how to experience a feeling without wanting to shove it deep down again.

Most of us have not been taught how to feel our feelings. Our upbringing, our social construct tells us to stop crying, to settle down, to be quiet. We are not taught how to handle our feelings and how to heal from them.

Coaching sessions are a wonderful way to discover how to feel while being in a safe space, with no judgment, with a coach who can help guide you with gentleness and compassion.

Trauma doesn't go away but we can learn how to find healing and better ways of dealing with our feelings.

Please contact me if you have any questions about feelings work or how you can work with me in 1 on 1 coaching sessions to discover your own path to God's healing.

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